Rolex Awards for Enterprise
Today, I’m filled with immense gratitude to share the news that I’ve been chosen as a Rolex Awards Laureate and am now part of the Rolex Perpetual Planet Initiative! It has given me so much hope to be part of this incredible community of pioneers who are working to make the world a better place.
What makes this recognition so meaningful to me is that it celebrates and brings visibility to the women whose voices are rarely heard. The Ibus (‘mothers’ in Indonesian), whose struggle inspired me to take a stand, whose wisdom, persistence and dedication have made SukkhaCitta what it is today: A movement.
Eight years ago, I felt a longing for meaning. It led me on a journey, going beyond the comforts I’m used to. Going village to village, little did I know that it would lead me to meet the women who would change my life – forever.
Everywhere I went, it was the same story. Women with the most incredible skills, unable to make ends meet. Because they had no access to some of the things we take for granted: a choice, a voice.
As an economist, I knew the concepts of inequality and poverty. The metrics used to measure them. Yet, they weren’t numbers in reports. They took me in and shared their traditions with me. It was the first time I realized that not everyone gets the same chance in life.
I felt a calling in my heart so deep and profound I could not turn away from it. Even when I didn’t have all the answers, I knew I had to build a bridge. Finding problem after problem and listening to indigenous communities to learn that solutions already exist.
Starting from ensuring that women can get a fair chance in life, to protecting our environment from toxic chemicals, and now finding ways to sustainably scale our regenerative farming projects and inviting more people to join the journey.
It hasn’t been easy, but yet again nothing worthwhile ever is.
It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in. It’s scary and countless sceptics will tell you it cannot be done, that things are ‘just the way they are’. But one thing I learned from this journey is that we always have a choice. We have the power to change, adapt, and build something better.
Because meaning comes from knowing that you’re working for something you believe in.
Like a healthy ecosystem, each of us has a role to play. I hope you will dare to live your precious life to their fullest. True to yourself, with an open heart and a thoughtful mind.
You’ll be surprised where it takes you.
Your nerd,