Be a great small
I have often been criticized for choosing to grow slow. They say I should be more ambitious, to scale faster. To not be so idealistic.
Yet to me, meaningful progress comes not from being bigger at all cost - but striving to every day be just a little better than you were the day before.
It’s a mindset I’ve learned from our Ibus. As artisans, they spend a lifetime perfecting their craft. Not to be better than anyone, but to be true to their purpose.
It is very easy to get stuck chasing vanity metrics. Yet if we don't take the time to define what's important to us, we'll be like a hamster on a wheel. Always striving, never arriving.
Being a great small is not about size. It's a mindset that recognizes how More is not always better.
Purpose shouldn't be some words you put on your website, but a compass that comes first - even before profit.
We live our lives proving that we are enough. When instead we should ask what positive mark do I want to leave behind?
Thank you pak Gita Wirjawan and team for hosting this inspiring event bringing Indonesia's narrators! It was a full house of 1,500 people who found an oasis of ideas.